Nurturing Spirit Art Competition

At Coworth Flexlands our aim is to Nurture Spirit through the values of kindness, empathy and thoughtfulness. We aim promote and support a community based on the foundations of love and respect where every individual is valued and celebrated.

The Importance of Gratitude and Kindness

Gratitude and kindness are important at any time of the year…but especially right now. To practice kindness and gratitude can be key to being happy—and to making

the world a better place. This year for Nurturing Spirit Week we would like to show our gratitude to our community heroes. It is a great way to help children understand that there’s always good people around and to show them how much we appreciate them.



Talk about What is a Hero? What is a Community? What is a Community Hero?

  • A Hero is a person who is admired for their bravery, and they way they help others.

  • A Community is a neighbourhood where people work and live and are a part of.  It can be useful to explain to your child that they are part of their local community (the area in which they live) and also part of a school community which is group of people (teachers, parents, pupils and staff) who work together to achieve a common goal to make sure students learn safely and happily.
  • Community heroes are people who help keep us safe, healthy, and happy.


Who are our community heroes?

Have a discussion about who are community heroes are. Some examples of community helpers include doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, teachers, PTA, farmers, rubbish and recycle workers, shop workers, mail carriers, plumbers, bus drivers, and volunteers.


Enter the competition!

Not all heroes wear capes, thank your local heroes with artwork. The coronavirus pandemic has turned our homes into safe havens and many keyworkers into unsung heroes.

  • Choose which community hero you would like to thank. Draw a picture and write a sentence about this person.
  • Take a photo of your artwork and submit your entries by emailing them to by Monday 1st February 2021 - 12pm.
  • Winners to be announced at our Nurturing Spirit Assembly on Wednesday 3rd February 2021



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