Coworth Flexlands has been awarded 'EXCELLENT' in all categories by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) following our Compliance & Educational Quality Inspection in March 2023.
A double “excellent” is the highest possible outcome for a school during a full Focused Compliance & Educational Quality Inspection. Inspectors stated that the school was:
excellent, both for the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements, and
excellent, for the quality of pupils’ personal development.
We are absolutely thrilled that an external, independent body has recognised what an excellent school Coworth Flexlands is and ‘double excellent’ at that! The ISI report has really captured the essence of who we are. It highlights how every pupil is valued, celebrated, inspired to learn, and how we build their confidence and strength of character so that they flourish and are ready to embrace new opportunities and make the most of the world ahead of them.
The observations made within the report are all fantastic and really show what a wonderful school community we have at Coworth Flexlands. Below are a few of our favourite comments:
The pu
pils' enjoyment of school life is evident in every aspect of their activities in and out of the classroom.
Pupils' knowledge, skills and understanding are strong, successfully developed through the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum, and the successful pursuit of the school's aim to encourage pupils to reach and grow their potential.
Pupils of all ages are highly engaged, enthusiastic and committed learners. They are attentive and focused in lessons, actively listening to each other and their teacher.
Pupils of all ages concentrate, focus, and behave extremely well and this creates a good learning atmosphere where pupils can practice and develop their study skills in a nurturing environment.
Pupils' excellent attitudes to learning are acknowledged through the rewarding of positive behaviour. The school's implicit culture and sense of family, strongly promoted by the leadership team, underpins the pupils' desire to do their best.
The teachers are excellent role models, leading by example with consistent kindness and patience at all times.
Pupils engage naturally and without hesitation with those of backgrounds and cultures different to their own, in response to the ethos of kindness and mutual respect which permeates the school.
Pupils are eager to learn, and they make strong progress across all areas of the curriculum.