Aims & Ethos

At Coworth Flexlands, our aim is to inspire minds, nurture spirit and to bring out the best in everyone.  

The ethos of our school is built upon a successful history, as well as aspiration and energy for the future. Our aim is to provide an education that will enable our pupils to develop into fulfilled, happy and successful individuals that take skills with them that last a lifetime. Our school places the pupil at its heart, ensuring that every opportunity is given to achieve the following: 

To Inspire Minds through a challenging, investigative curriculum where pupils question the world around them and foster a lifelong love of learning. Pupils are curious to find out more and afforded endless opportunities for exposure to new and challenging experiences. They are supported to embrace these without fear of failure. Talents are nurtured and pupils are encouraged to follow their passions.  

To Nurture Spirit through the values of kindness, empathy and thoughtfulness. We promote and support a community based on the foundations of love and respect where every individual is valued and celebrated.  

Pupils will be given the encouragement to find, reach and grow their potential. They will leave Coworth Flexlands as happy, confident and curious learners, ready to embrace new opportunities and make the most of the world ahead of them.   



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