Coworth Flexlands Social Committee


Voluntarily run by parents of the school, The Social Committee is an integral part of the school’s social network in bringing together parents and children to organise and take part in a number of exciting events throughout the year to raise funds for the school.

Our fundraising has enabled us to purchase a wonderful array of enhancements  including a school minibus for transporting the children to and from sports matches and on school excursions. A new upright piano has opened up the opportunity for the children to take piano exams on the school premises and our brand new outdoor classroom, built this year, will hugely enrich the children’s outdoor learning capacity across the educational spectrum. Our fundraising events are highly anticipated every year by the children who love to join in with the organising wherever possible and be a part of the schools uplifting community spirit.

Bi-Annual Summer Ball and Summer Fayre

The bi-annual Summer Ball is alternated with the Summer Fayre. The Summer Ball is attended by parents of the school and has been held at a number of stunning venues with beautiful surroundings. The events are often themed with an evening of indulgence, food, music and dancing followed by our traditional auctions supported by local businesses and organisations. 

The Summer Fayre is an exciting afternoon of fun, held after our formal speech day, in the school grounds. The Fayre offers the children a chance to kick back and enjoy an afternoon full of fun before the academic year draws to a close. There is a wealth of games, activities, stalls and shows to entertain the children including bouncy castles, donkey rides, lucky dip, sports games, competitions and displays. Friends and family are welcomed to join us for the Fayre and bring along a picnic to enjoy amongst the buzz and excitement on the school fields. Our 2018 Summer Ball saw an evening at the stunning Coworth Park Hotel; a wonderful evening was had by all. In 2022, our Social Committee held another fabulous Summer Ball at Pennyhill Park. 

Christmas Bazaar

Our main winter fundraising event sees Father Christmas joining us in his grotto, often followed by his reindeers Dasher and Blitzen! The Bazaar opens with Christmas carols from the school choir supported by the orchestra. The school then proceeds to become a hive of activity with face painting, sand art, tombola, cake stalls, our traditional ‘secrets room’ and market stalls to purchase gifts for friends and family. The day is a very festive occasion and the children leave the afternoon full of excitement, taking home an array of treats and wonderful memories.

Charity Support

We offer all pupils a chance to hold charity fundraising events throughout the year to raise  funds for local charities and worldwide causes, giving the children an insight to those less fortunate and the opportunity to contribute towards ‘making change.’ For this, there is great enthusiasm especially from the Yr 6 House Captains who take great pride in leading their houses. Supported by the Head, Miss Cowell, parents of the school and the Social Committee when needed, these fundraisers are organised solely by the children pulling together as a team either in their houses or individually. An incredible amount of time and effort is put in by the children who take on the responsibility with great zest to achieve amazing results for their chosen charities.

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